
Creating a Development

Create a Recurring Matter

As the app's name suggests, Off The Plan Recurring Matters leverages LEAP's Recurring Matter system to provide a streamlined experience to manage a development.

The first step to start work on a new project is to follow the inbuilt process for creating a recurring matter, complete with all the essential fields. Use the plus button in the top right of the app to begin creating a new development.

New Development Button Screenshot

In the menu that opens, enter a name to identify the recurring matter with, choose the state in which the development is located, and hit 'Next'.

New Recurring Matter menu

Enter Basic Project Details

On the subsequent page, enter the applicable development details, including the address and the development name.

Development Details Dialog

If you're unsure of any of this information, it can be entered into the recurring matter at a later date.

Once complete, click 'Next'.

Enter Client Information

With these details completed, now we need to attach a vendor card. Use the search bar provided to search for the client. Once found, click to select.

Search for client and a selected card

If you hadn't yet created a card, do that first and search again. Click 'Submit' to continue.

Development Created

Once you see the screen below, the recurring matter has been created and you're ready to continue creating lots.